• One in ten women lie about the number of people they've slept with to their new partner, a new study has revealed. The study found younger women are twice as likely to be economical with the truth when they meet a new bloke. But the biggest fib told by women covers the amount of money they spend on clothes, with 26 per cent glossing over the cost of their shopping sprees. 20 per cent of lasses said they had lied about their weight, while six percent claim to be younger than they really are, the Sun reported. But blokes can be even worse than the girls when it comes to telling porkies. The research found that men lie 650 times a year, compared to just 537 fibs for women. The most common lies for the fellas are excuses for being late, or pretending they'll be home earlier than they will be. 20 per cent of men admitted to lying about the amount of alcohol they drank. One in five of us admit that we lie to save face, and a quarter say we lie because we feel "interrogated" by friends and family. The study into why we lie was carried out to mark the DVD release of spy thriller 'Safe House,' which stars Denzel Washington. "The research shows Brits lie an extraordinary amount, about a wide variety of things," a spokesman for the flick said. "The main victims of our deception are those closest to us, with both men and women most likely to lie to their other half. "We may like to think we're sparing them hurtful truths but most of the fibs are actually about saving face or trying to change the way people think about us," he added.

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  • Une femme sur dix se trouvent sur ​​le nombre de personnes qu'ils ont dormi avec leur nouveau partenaire, une nouvelle étude a révélé. L'étude a révélé les jeunes femmes sont deux fois plus susceptibles d'être économe avec la vérité quand ils rencontrent un nouveau mec. Mais la plus grand mensonge raconté par les femmes couvre le montant d'argent qu'ils dépensent sur ​​les vêtements, avec 26 pour cent lustrage sur le coût de leurs virées shopping. 20 pour cent des jeunes filles ont dit qu'ils avaient menti à propos de leur poids, tandis que six pour cent affirment être plus jeune qu'eux sont vraiment, le Sun a rapporté. Mais les mecs peuvent être encore pire que les filles quand il s'agit de dire porkies. L'étude a révélé que les hommes mentent 650 fois par année, comparativement à seulement 537 mensonges pour les femmes. Les mensonges les plus courants pour les gars sont excuses pour être en retard, ou de prétendre qu'ils vont être à la maison plus tôt que ils seront. 20 pour cent des hommes ont admis avoir menti sur la quantité d'alcool qu'ils ont bu. Un sur cinq d'entre nous admettre que nous mentons à sauver la face, et un quart disons que nous mentons parce que nous pensons "interrogé" par des amis et la famille. L'étude des raisons pour lesquelles nous mentons a été réalisée à l'occasion de la sortie en DVD de thriller d'espionnage "Safe House", qui met en vedette Denzel Washington. "La recherche montre Britanniques se trouvent une quantité extraordinaire , sur une grande variété de choses, "un porte-parole pour le film dit. "Les principales victimes de notre déception sont les plus proches de nous, avec les hommes et les femmes les plus susceptibles de mentir à leur autre moitié. "Nous pouvons certainement à nous penser 're en leur épargnant des vérités blessantes mais la plupart des mensonges sont en fait de sauver la face ou d'essayer de changer la façon dont les gens pensent de nous ", at-il ajouté.


    Our brains process images of men and females differently and see men as people and women as body parts, according to a new study. When casting our eyes upon an object, our brains either perceive it in its entirety or as a collection of its parts. The new study suggested that these two distinct cognitive processes also are in play with our basic physical perceptions of men and women - and, importantly, provides clues as to why women are often the targets of sexual objectification. The research found in a series of experiments that participants processed images of men and women in very different ways. When presented with images of men, perceivers tended to rely more on "global" cognitive processing, the mental method in which a person is perceived as a whole. Meanwhile, images of women were more often the subject of "local" cognitive processing, or the objectifying perception of something as an assemblage of its various parts. The study is the first to link such cognitive processes to objectification theory, said Sarah Gervais, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the study's lead author. "Local processing underlies the way we think about objects: houses, cars and so on. But global processing should prevent us from that when it comes to people," Gervais said. "We don't break people down to their parts - except when it comes to women, which is really striking. Women were perceived in the same ways that objects are viewed," she explained. In the study, participants were randomly presented with dozens of images of fully clothed, average-looking men and women. Each person was shown from head to knee, standing, with eyes focused on the camera. After a brief pause, participants then saw two new images on their screen: One was unmodified and contained the original image, while the other was a slightly modified version of the original image that comprised a sexual body part. Participants then quickly indicated which of the two images they had previously seen. The results were consistent: Women's sexual body parts were more easily recognized when presented in isolation than when they were presented in the context of their entire bodies. But men's sexual body parts were recognized better when presented in the context of their entire bodies than they were in isolation. "We can't just pin this on the men. Women are perceiving women this way, too," Gervais said. "It could be related to different motives. Men might be doing it because they're interested in potential mates, while women may do it as more of a comparison with themselves. But what we do know is that they're both doing it," she noted. Would there be an antidote to a perceiver's basic cognitive processes that lead women to be reduced and objectified? Researchers said some of the study's results suggested so. When the experiment was adjusted to create a condition where it was easier for participants to employ "global" processing, the sexual body part recognition bias appeared to be alleviated. Women were more easily recognizable in the context of their whole bodies instead of their various sexual body parts. Because the research presents the first direct evidence of the basic "global" vs. "local" framework, the authors said it could provide a theoretical path forward for more specific objectification work. "Our findings suggest people fundamentally process women and men differently, but we are also showing that a very simple manipulation counteracts this effect, and perceivers can be prompted to see women globally, just as they do men," Gervais said. The study has been published in the European Journal of Social Psychology.

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    После Второй мировой храм посвятили погибшим в военных действиях соотечественникам. Музей Yushukan, открытый при храме, подробно рассказывает о событиях тех лет.

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    sensoji Kannon temple, detail

    [B]Острова Огасавара[/B] также известны как Бонинские острова, это часть префектуры Токио, находятся в Тихом океане, на расстоянии 1 930 километров от Токио. Национальный парк Огасавара является настоящей гордостью страны, прилагаются особые усилия для сохранения его в качестве культурного наследия.

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