• bonjour

    BLAGUE DU JOUR 1 : Au volant Un type, complètement saoul, tombe sur un contrôle routier. - Vos papiers? - Hein? - Vos papier! - Je ne peux pas. - Et pourquoi donc? - J'sus complètement pacqueté. (Hic!) J'arrive d'un mariage et j'ai bu comme un trou. Alors, faut pas m'achaler avec vos histoires de papier... - Alors, je vais vous demander de souffler dans la balloune. - Comment, dit le gars rouge de colère, vous ne me croyez pas?!

    Kelly shows Cleavage on her birthday at Steam ACTIONABLE LEARNING ................ 1:- If the Road is Beautiful then, Worry About the Destination, But if the Destination is Beautiful, Then Don't Worry About The Road! 2:- We Always Feel that GOD Never comes on Time when We Call Him...But the Truth is ~ "He is Always on Time" But "We are Always in Hurry! 3:- Trust the One Who can See, These Three Things in You ~Sorrow Behind Your SMILE, Love Behind Your ANGER & Reason Behind Your SILENCE! 4:- Beautiful things Are not Always Good ~ But Good things are Always Beautiful! 5:- Never Miss First Opportunity, because the Second Opportunity Will be Much More Difficult than First! 6:- Dreams Aren't those That You Have when You are Asleep, Dreams are Those that Don't Let You Sleep till They are Fulfilled! 7:- It’s Purity of Heart that Matters, Not the External Appearance. Because Helping Hands are Always, Better than Praying Lips. 8:- No one could actually say that deserve better. Because the best thing that you deserve, will always be your choice. 9:- When your Time is Good, Your Mistakes are taken As a Joke! But When Your Time is Bad, Even your Jokes are Noticed as Mistakes! 10:- We Judge Ourselves By what We Feel we're Capable of Doing, While Others Judge us By what We have Already Done! 11:- If you damage the character of another, you damage your own. 12:- LAUGH like You have Never Cried, PLAY like You have Never Lost, LOVE like You have Never Hurt And LIVE like There is No Tomorrow! 13:- Two Things that Define SUCCESS In LIFE: - The Way You Manage when You Have Nothing & Way You Behave when You Have Everything! 14:- Don't concentrate on what Someone Else can Do that you Can not , Concentrate on What You can Do That Others Cannot. 15:- Never be too proud of who You are & What Position you Hold Because After a Game of Chess The King & The Pawns are tossed Into The Same Box

    Are you always complaining that your sex life is running out of steam? Well, what's stopping you from getting adventurous and innovative? Charge up your sex life using this list of the 10 craziest places to fool around...or you could get inspired and think of a few of your own! 1. On the couch: After the bed, the couch in the living room is screaming for attention. And the best part...it's comfy too. The cushions work as a support system to get those curves and arches to enjoy the perfect moves, while the lack of space will keep up the intimacy levels. Want some more action? Put on a wild flick on video and you have a perfect mood maker! Word of caution: Watch out your moves, going out of control is injurious...for the couch of course! 2. In the bathtub: Things can get real hot even in a cool bath tub. For the ultimate romantic experience, arrange for a bubble bath with aromatic rose petals and passion perfume. Add some mood lighting, splash a few drops of 'ylang ylang' essential oil and be certain that the sensuous experiment will lead to some supah hot sex. Word of caution: Check out the water temperature, you don't want to end up with painful blisters or a frozen lover...isn't? 3. In the kitchen: Be it 91/2 Weeks or Fatal Attraction , the kitchen has borne witness to quite a number of sexapades. The sturdy surfaces and shelves offer great support, especially for stand-up acts, while the feeling of being at an unconventional place pumps up the excitement to newer heights. And how can you miss the yummy treats your kitchen is loaded with? Eat them, but off each other's hot bods. Think chocolate, cream, jams and jellies! Word of caution: Know the stuff you are eating and applying...some edibles are good only to eat. So watch out for allergies! 4. In the pool: Though not many are privileged to have one in the confines of their home, if you are one of the lucky few, make the most of it. Challenge your swimming skills and get under for into some underwater escapades. Who said that the inflatable water turtle is meant only for tanning, use it for some steamy adventure...ride it together and get a new high! Word of caution: You need not be swimming champs, but fairly decent floating skills are definitely expected to get into the water-y fun. 5. In the car: Yes it's crammed, but it's cosy too. A quickie in the backseat can rekindle the excitement that you felt during your heady college days. Put on some romantic retro tracks and switch on the AC. Don't fret, it won't cool down the passion. When the place is different, the position can't be a drab. It's tough to adjust facing each other, but turning the world around can definitely help...hope you got the clue! Word of caution: Just be careful where you park...you don't want to get busted! 6. In the dressing room: How about catching her unawares in the dressing room of a store? Sounds dangerous but thrilling too! The fear of getting caught will only add to the sensual experience, while the lack of time is perfect to give you a never before quickie. Thinking comfort? Sorry! All you have is a stool...let him stand as you take charge! Word of caution: Making noise is not allowed here and do take care of hidden cameras and key-holes. 7. The stairs: If you are thinking they can be a pain to one's body, think again, as they can be adventurous too. After all, they can give you those highs and lows, especially when the girl is comparatively short. Word of caution: Don't get really aggressive if getting cramps in your lower back is not on your mind. 8. On the roof : Yes, this can be a great playground; the gentle moonlight, a cool breeze to caress your passionate entwinings. Pep it up with some paper lamps or scented candles and light music, which will just add to the mood. You have all the space to set the ball rolling...so go ahead and explore her contours under a starry sky. Word of caution: No physical risks are involved...but just take care of peeping Toms around. 9. In a sleeping bag: Nothing could bring you as close as that sleeping bag that's meant for a single person and is loaded with two! Why not get into some naughty action and add to a fun-filled camping trip? Instead of the normal position, turn around and have some fun from behind. Talk about kinky fantasies! Word of caution: Zip the bag properly, you don't want end up killing insects in the mid of the act. 10. On a plane: You can try the toilet and if that's too cramped, the seat in a Business or First class cabin. Some airliners with long-haul flights now boast of recliner seats that go as flat as a bed. Take a flight of fantasy. Word of caution: Don't try it if you already have flight phobia and take care of people lining-up outside the loo.

    .....Здесь будет ваша запись......

    On ne pourra jamais revenir en arrière pour que l'on puisse dire: "Bye, je t'aime". Un jour, l'époux d'une dame meurt, et en ce matin clair et froid, dans la chaleur de leur chambre à coucher, la femme est frappée soudainement par la douleur d'apprendre que parfois, il n'y a plus de "tantôt" plus de caresses, plus de moments spéciaux à célébrer ensemble...plus d'appels téléphoniques... "juste pour jaser"... plus de "attends une minute"... Des fois, tout ce qui nous tient à coeur est complètement utilisé il n'y en a plus...On ne pourra jamais revenir en arrière pour que l'on puisse dire: "Bye, je t'aime". Donc, pendant qu'on les a encore, on est mieux de les aimer, de les réparer quand ils sont brisés et de les aider à guérir quand ils sont malades. Ceci est vrai pour le mariage, les enfants avec de mauvais bulletins, les parents et grands-parents qui vieillissent trop vite, nos animaux de compagnie, nos amis, la vieille bagnole, la maison. Nous les gardons dans notre vie parce qu'ils sont importants pour nous et qu'ils en valent la peine. Quelques fois, on garde l'amour et l'amitié, tel que les meilleurs amis qui déménagent au loin, ou encore, une belle-soeur après un divorce. Ce sont des choses qui continuent de nous rendent heureux. La vie est importante, tout comme les gens que nous connaissons, des gens si précieux, que nous gardons près de nous. J'ai reçu ceci de quelqu'un qui a jugé qu'il voulait "me garder". Et moi, il est sur mon site pour faire partager ceux et celles et celles que je veux garder. Maintenant, partage le c'est à ton tour. Envoie-le à tous ceux que tu veux "garder" Suppose qu'un matin, tu ne te réveilles plus.... Est-ce que tes amis savent combien tu les aimes? Je pensais justement, je pourrais mourir aujourd'hui, demain ou la semaine prochaine. Et je me demandais si j'avais des blessures à guérir, des amitiés à reprendre ou juste deux mots à dire. « Je t'aime ». Laisse savoir à tes amis que tu les aimes. Même si tu crois que, peut-être, eux ne t'aiment pas, tu resterais surpris du pouvoir de ces deux petits mots, accompagné d'un sourire. Et OKAZOU je n'y suis plus, là demain... "Je t'aime" et tu comptes pour moi." Ne remettez jamais à demain les mots aimables que vous pouvez prononcer aujourd'hui. N'oubliez pas de dire « Je t'aime » et « Merci » ces mots si courts et si importants, pour ne pas avoir à dire "J'aurais dû lui dire que je l'aimais et l'apprécias." Moi je te le dis «Je t'aime» et «Merci» Merci d'être là!

    Апофеоз женщины

    Апофеоз женщины!

    Тема: Array
    Автор плэйкаста:alemigun
    Создан: 25 ноября 10:25

    If the 'once unique' moves and grinds you made in bed have now turned into 'predictable stuff' for your woman, you better know that you are nearing the point where sex is just a chore and brushing up your tactics is the need of the hour. Its important to understand that 'mystery' holds its own charm between the sheets, but once things are foreseeable, boredom is bound to seep it. So what do you do now? Well, its time to reel back the excitement by reigniting her curiosity with some unique ways to initiate sex. Rather than asking her, why not lure her into a steamy session? Let non-verbal cues take charge of initiating sex in some more surprising ways and you never know what surprises you are offered in return: Cook up to a steamy night There's no better turn-on for a man than the sight of her man trying on his culinary skills only to impress her. So, use your kitchenette to the best of your use. Not only you'll be required to make her favourite dishes, but feeding her yourself will only make it better. All the while she's eating, brush up behind her, caress her and keep planting some kisses. By the time you guys are through with a sumptuous meal, you might just get rewarded with a quickie there on the kitchen counter! Movie date? Not at the theatre this time! Prepare for a movie slumber night in your living room instead. Get things in place. Rent a few romantic and sexy flicks, make her favourite snacks and get some wine. Since, creating the ambience for a sleepover is what we aim at, arranging for a cozy blanket and a few pillows won't be a bad idea. Dress up in your comfy night wear and snuggle up to watch the movie. As the movie runs, start playing with her. Begin with some non-sensual touches and let the magic of sexy scenes take over to make the temperatures soar high. And soon she'll be begging you for some real action. Love games, anyone? If you loved to play board games as kids, playing them now will be all the more exciting for you! We are talking about the adult versions here, where the dress code can be anything from a sassy lingerie to a cool underwear. How about a round of strip poker? While the options available are unlimited, fun and excitement depends upon how sportingly you take every rule of the game. Be it removing a piece of clothing every time you lose, or kissing the area that the winner demands ... you have to say yes to all! Tattoo your love Take it as your chance to put forth your creative skills. Temporary tattoo inks and body paints are easily available in the market. So, become a tattoo artist for her and let her paint you in return. The best bet in this session would be a chance to make a favourite motif on your favourite body part of your partner. And if that demands some skin show and a few touches here and there on that without clothes canvass ... that would just be a mood builder for a steamy night ahead. Nothing sexier than a shower Yes, there's nothing more refreshing than a shower at the end of a tiring day. Add to it your beloved and you bet there can't be anything sexier than that. Begin with a smooth soapy session, followed by some rubbing around her curves... Once through, offer to massage her favourite body lotion to help her relax as you play with sensual movements to leave her begging to be taken to bed. The basic idea it to excite her with subtle hints of the final reward, without asking her to give what you want. Don't focus on tha main act rather arouse her to a pitch where she is ready to melt in your arms.

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